About Acupuncture
”Does acupuncture hurt?”
Many people who never tried acupuncture might think..
" Does acupuncture needle hurt?"
Please, don't worry too much about the needle.
Acupuncture needles feature single-use, sterilized, stainless
steel iterations, about as thin as cat’s hair.
Unlike Western-style hypodermic needles, which flare out
at the tip and cut the skinas they enter, acupuncture needles
gently separate the skin.
While they may pinch, no, they generally don’t hurt.
"How does acupuncture work?"
In general, "acupuncture" is said to be good for releasing
muscular tension like stiff shoulder and lower back pain,
but acupuncture treatment is also effective for a wide range
of symptoms such as depression, insomnia, digestive issues,
hormonal imbalances, allergies, auto immune diseases so on.
We sometimes have suppressed our own autoimmune
function due to various causes such as stress and overwork.
Because acupuncture has the effect of activating this
suppressed autoimmune function, it can restore the
unbalanced body and boost up immune power to treat
the symptoms.
Diseases and disorders that can be treated with acupuncture
This list is that diseases and disorders that can be treated with acupuncture reported by NIH (National Institute of Health)
【Neurologic disorders】
Neuralgia・Neuroplesia・Convulsion・Stroke sequelae・Headache・Dizziness・Insomnia・Bell`s palsy (Facial palsy)・Peripheral Neuropathies・Stress・Depression・Anxiety
【Musculoskeletal disorders】
Arthritis・Rheumatoid arthritis・Cervicobrachial Syndrome・Frozen shoulder・Carpal tunnel syndrome・lower back pain・Fibromyalgia・Sports Injuries and Pains
【Cardiovascular disorders】
Cardioneurosis・Arteriosclerosis・Hypertension・Hypotension・Palpitation・Short of breath
【Respiratory disorders】
Bronchitis・Asthma・Common cold and flu
【Digestive disorders】
Gastritis・Indigestion・Gastroptosis・Hyperacidity・Diarrhea・Constipation・Cholecystitis・Hepatitis・Gastroduodenal ulcer・Hemorrhoid
【Metabolic and Hormonal disorders】
Graves disease・Diabetes・Goiter・Beriberi・Anemia
【Urological disorders】
Cystitis・Urethritis・Impotence・Urinary retention・Nephritis・Prostatic hypertrophy
【Gynecological disorders】
Menopause・Mastitis・Menstrual pain・Irregular menstruation ・Cold feet・Infertility
【Otorhinolaryngologic disorders】
Tympanitis・Vertigo・Difficulty of hearing・Meniere's syndrome ・Nose bleeding・Rhinitis・Sinusitis・Tonsillitis
【Eye disorders】
Eyes strain・Nearsighted・Conjunctivitis・Cataracts (without complications)