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Our clinic hours information

Hidden dragon Acupuncture clinic hours in the next 2 months are as follows. 

Reservation is necessary for your treatment. 


WedSat・Sun & Holiday 9 AM - 7 PM

January 4, 5, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 22, 25, 26, 29

February 1,2, 5, 8, 9, 11,12, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24

Thank you,

How does it works?

In Eastern Medicine, 

it is saying

"The mind makes the body and the body makes the mind"


When you are stressed out,

have you experienced some symptoms such as headaches?

When you have a bad headache, 

it's hard to think positively and easy to feel angry

so your mind is affected negatively.

On the other hand,

when your stress goes away

those symptoms also go away as well?

When your headache goes away

it's not hard to think logically and

you would have a relatively stable mind.

This explains "mutual interdependence"

between the body and the mind.

As you already know,

we have "natural human healing power"

 such as an autoimmune system.

My acupuncture uses these 2 functions.

Finding out the cause (how you get sick)

by using the theory of "mutual interdependence ".


Using the most effective acupuncture points

by examining your body to maximize

your "natural human healing power"

My Acupuncture

My Acupuncture

Thorough analysis

 In order to understand the state of the body, it is necessary to explore the signals coming from various body parts other than just from symptoms. 
 In Oriental medicine, we use four examination methods to search for body signals by Looking, Hearing and Smelling, Questioning, and Touching. Based on these four examinations, you can identify the root cause by analyzing the state of the body in detail. By identifying the roots of the problem, it will guide to optimal treatment plan for the patient.


Address: Hidden Dragon Acupuncture

#303 Hitoshi Bldg., 3-1205 Ueda, Tenpaku,

Nagoya Aichi 〒468-0051

How to get: (Tsurumai subway line)

  1. Get off "Ueda" station.

  2. Use exit 3.

  3. When you get out exit 3, you see "Yutaka drug" on your right.

  4. Out building is next to "Yutaka drug"


Hitoshi building (3rd floor)


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