Service Rates
Pediatric acupuncture is for children from infant up to 12 years old. Child's Qi is easier to moving and controlled than the adult's because child grows rapidly.
Therefore, pediatric acupuncture only need light stimulation so non-insert needle will be used for child. It won't be hurt at all. Children don't get nervous or clanky when they getting the treatment.
Pediatric acupuncture will work for common issue such as night terrors, tantrum, and bedwetting. And it's also good for allergy issue such as dermatitis and asthma.
Pediatric Acupuncture
First consultation will take about an hour to do consultation and checking your pulse, tongue, condition of your several meridian and points in detail.
It might take little longer than an hour but it will be necessary process in order to find the root issue. You can tell me anything during the consultation about your condition it will be big help for your treatment.
Please make sure you have some spare time after treatment your first treatment might take more than 2 hours depending on your case.
First Consultation
There is always the root problem behind symptom. Treating the root problem is the key for the effective treatment. There are small signs which you don't really pay attention to such as "I get sometimes twitching muscles" "My face is flushed recently..". Collection of these information giving clue to find the root.
For example, if you have chronic lower back pain with above symptoms, you might have Yin (Blood and water) deficiency. Tonification of Yin will be core treatment for lower back pain. Additionally, advising good diet for increasing yin and home regimen will be given.
Acupuncture Treatment
With E-mail
First consultation discount
If you fill out treatment questionaries and send us photo data by E-mail, you will get ¥1,000 off
from your first consultation fee.
The clinic has several
Special Offers for you !
Please ask for the detail.
On your birthday, you will get ¥1,000 off with your ID.